National Riled Association
The NRA is a terrorist organization



The NRA is America’s most well-known terrorist organization, made up of nearly five million members of mostly law-abiding citizens who take a gun safety test and are then sold a membership to the NRA under the guise of getting more training and information because people like communities of folks who enjoy the same hobbies.

Together, we scream and yell about 2nd ammendment rights at all the worst times, like mass shootings, but are strangely silent when non-whites like Philando Castile - a licensed firearm carrier - gets shot to death when telling police he has a licensed firearm in the car during a routine traffic stop. We didn't stand up or issue a press release about him because, I mean, come on, he was a black guy and they're the cops. We support cops, not black lives.

Every day, the NRA encourages its members to actively harass politicians, judges, and bureaucrats who want to regulate, or even mildly restrict, even the most egregious abuses of the 2nd ammendment.

That's why you need to join this organization RIGHT NOW

What are the benefits of NRA membership?

As an NRA member, you’ll get some trinkets that make it seem worthwhile. Things like : an official NRA membership card, a free NRA decal, and a free subscription to one of the NRA’s propoganda magazines.

Plus, you’ll receive NRA 5-Star Benefits that put hundreds of dollars back in our pockets!

  • YOUR CHOICE of an NRA Member Magazine To further your indoctrination to help our upper management siphon funds!
  • SPECIAL SAVINGS from NRA Member Partners Buy more guns! We're basically sponsors for gun manufacturers and they pay us money and we want more private jet vacations!
  • FREE ADMISSION to NRA’s Guns, Gear & Outfitter Show Pleeeeease buy more guns so we can spend your money on more private flights and lavish vacations
  • AND MORE! We'll constantly make you tick a box in a poll to make it seem like more Americans support us than actually do. We want YOU to be a single-issue voter

How much does it cost to join the NRA?

Your one-year NRA membership is just $45 and unlocks all of NRA’s member benefits, giving you access to hundreds of dollars in savings. And if you’d like to save even more, choose a two-year membership for $75, a three-year membership for $100, or, for the best value, a five-year membership for only $150.

Join Now! Renew Now!

Or call :

your loved ones and tell them you miss them and you've been led astray and you wish you didn't need a gun to feel important.

How does the NRA use my membership dues?

Your support will help us funnel money into worthless candidates who have your single-issue ticket in mind. We can just buy politicians with this single issue, isn't that great?

In addition, your membership dues will help the NRA leadership move money around so they can buy giant houses and enrich their lives as much as they want without any oversight because... America!

What is the NRA’s history?

The National Rifle Association was founded in 1871 by U.S. Army veterans Col. William C. Church and Gen. George Wingate to “promote and encourage rifle shooting on a scientific basis.” We literally put that in quotes on our website because we were founded just after the KKK was deemed a terrorist organization and we can't let you think those two things are related.

When anti-gun lobbyists and politicians began their war on the Second Amendment four decades ago, the NRA fought back. Unless they were talking about non-whites, in which case we say absolutely nothing but we hope they buy more guns so we can continue to be a powerful force in American politics by way of kickbacks that various gun manufacturers throw at us.

Today, the NRA stands as America’s second-oldest terrorist organization. Every time there’s a threat to your gun rights, unless it's just individual citizens standing against an officer of the law, the NRA is there to get on TV and yell at Democrats. We also provide firearms discounts so you can buy more guns and feel way more cool about it at a slightly lower cost while we line our pockets.

We are seeking to dissolve the NRA for years of self-dealing and illegal conduct that violate New York’s charities laws and undermine its own mission.

Letitia James, NY Attorney General

I will get rid of gun-free zones on schools. My first day, it gets signed, OK? My first day. There's no more gun-free zones.

Donald Trump, President

How many more copycats are waiting in the wings for their moment of fame from a national media machine that rewards them with wall-to-wall attention and a sense of identity they crave?

Wayne LaPierre, head of NRA
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